The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Airtel Networks Zambia Plc (“Airtel” or the “Company”) at the Board meeting held on 19th August 2022, approved an interim dividend of ZMW 3.00 per share for the half-year ended 30th June 2022.
In accordance with the requirements of the Securities Act No. 41 of 2016 and the Listings Rules of the Lusaka Securities Exchange, notice is hereby given that the Interim Dividend shall be payable to shareholders registered in the Company’s books as at the close of business on Friday 23 September 2022 being the record date.
Accordingly, since share trading on the LuSE operates on a 3-day rolling settlement period, the last date to trade and qualify for the announced dividend is Tuesday, 20 September 2022. Dividend Payments will be posted on or about Monday, 26 September 2022.
Shareholders are reminded to provide their up-to-date bank account details and forwarding addresses to our Transfer Secretaries Corpserve Transfer Agents Limited in order to facilitate efficient and expedient payment of the dividends. In the event that your details have changed since the last dividend payout, kindly complete the Shareholder Account Detail Form and return it to the Transfer Secretaries. The Account Detail Form can be downloaded from our Transfer Secretaries’ website or collected from their offices. The details are as provided below:
Corpserve Zambia
6 Mwaleshi Road
Olympia Park
P.O. Box 37522
Tel: 260 211 256 969 – 256 970 or 0950968435
Tel/Fax: 260 211 256 975