In the third week of February 2020 trading on the LuSE, eleven companies’ securities recorded trades. Trading activity was recorded in AEL ZAMBIA, AIRTEL, CEC ZAMBIA , LAFARGE, PUMA, REI ZAMBIA, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK , ZAMBIA BREWERIES, ZANACO and ZAMBIA SUGAR.
Monday 17th
In 23 trades recorded today, 9,788 shares were transacted yielding a market turnover of K21,929. There was a share price gain of K0.01 recorded in ZANACO, and share prices losses of K0.02 and K0.01 recorded in AFRICA EXPLOSIVES LIMITED ZAMBIA and COPPERBELT ENERGY CORPORATION respectively. The LuSE All Share Index (LASI) closed at 4,254.31 points, 0.01% down from its previous close of 4,254.82 points. The market closed on a capitalization of K57,336,443,980 including Shoprite Holdings and K23,097,238,000 excluding Shoprite Holdings.
Tuesday 18th
In 23 trades recorded today, 29,857 shares were transacted yielding a market turnover of K38,970. Trading activity was recorded in COPPERBELT ENERGY CORPORATION, LAFARGE, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ZAMBIA, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK LIMITED and ZANACO. The LuSE All Share Index (LASI) maintained its previous close at 4,254.31 points, as there were no share price movements. The market closed on a capitalization of K57,336,443,980 including Shoprite Holdings and K23,097,238,000 excluding Shoprite Holdings.
Wednesday 19th
In 14 trades recorded today, 42,017 shares were transacted yielding a market turnover of K47,823. Trading activity was recorded in AEL ZAMBIA, ZANACO and ZAMBIA SUGAR. The LuSE All Share Index (LASI) maintained its previous close at 4,254.31 points, as there were no share price movements. The market closed on a capitalization of K57,336,443,980 including Shoprite Holdings and K23,097,238,000 excluding Shoprite Holdings.
Thursday 20th
In 8 trades recorded today, 19,750 shares were transacted yielding a market turnover of K115,745. Trading activity was recorded in AIRTEL, CEC ZAMBIA, LAFARGE and ZAMBIA BREWERIES. A share price loss of K0.01 was recorded in LAFARGE. The LuSE All Share Index (LASI) closed at 4,253.85 points, 0.01% down from its previous close of 4,254.31 points. The market closed on a capitalization of K57,334,443,581 including Shoprite Holdings and K23,095,237,601 excluding Shoprite Holdings.
Friday 21st
In 2 trades recorded today, 616 shares were transacted yielding a market turnover of K1,004. Trading activity was recorded in STANDARD CHARTERED BANK LIMITED. The LuSE All Share Index (LASI) maintained its close at 4,253.85 points, as there were no share price movements. The market closed on a capitalization of K57,334,443,581 including Shoprite Holdings and K23,095,237,601 excluding Shoprite Holdings.
Thus far week one of February 2020 trading on the LuSE, has been the best performing week and week three recorded the least amount of turnover , shares and number of trades.