Household and individual borrowing marginally higher that large business borrowing
The stats according to the Bankers Association of Zambia interventions during the August 2023 Ministry of Finance Town hall forum on the Mid-year economic performance
Borrowing scorecard at half year 2023
1. 40.7% went to house holds and individuals
2. 39.8% went to Large Businesses
3. 12.12% went to SMEs
4. 7.3% went to Agricultural sector
Disbursements according to BAZ….
“In the first quarter of 2023 K12.3 billion was disbursed in loans and advances to 908, 633 customers, out of which 30 percent are from rural areas and 70 percent in urban areas. Of this disbursement K1.5 billion was to over 64,000 SMES and K5 billion to 842,950 households and individuals, K4.9 Billion went to large businesses and the balance of K900Million went to the Agriculture sector.
Of this number, 275,957 loans were disbursed to women lead businesses accounting for 30 percent, with a value of K1.5 billion or 13 percent of total disbursed in quarter 1 of 2023.
Youths accounted for 42.6 percent (386,808) or K1.7 billion (14 percent) of total disbursements”.
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